We protect business owners by going through their business’s transactions in order to find possible financial losses. Making use of Data Mining Techniques, also sometimes called Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD), we analyse data and can quickly discover Paterns, Trends and Anomalies. These anomalies, discrepancies and trends and are then reported to the owner in order to firstly investigate and exit any wrong doers from the business and secondly develop processes to mitigate recurrence of these events.
These anomalies may indicate theft, fraud, negligence and incompetence in the business. All the aforementioned has a very negative impact on the bottom line and if undetected, may even cause the closure of a business. We go through procurement, sales, stock, human resources, payroll, fleet and fuel expenses.
Business owners, whether you are suspecting a specific department or whether you just cannot put your finger on it… if you are loosing money, if your profit is not what it should be… we can help you!
HOW WE WORKYou contact us via email with your query. We will then analyse your needs and submit a quote for your approval. Once approved we will start investigating. ​
After our investigations are completed we submit a comprehensive report to you which will empower you to implement policies and procedures to mitigate your risk.
Understand your needs: Do you suspect something specific or do you just know something is wrong?
Get the data: You submit the data to us in .xls or .csv format. You may also elect to provide us with access to your system’s reporting features should you have these on a web based application.
Quote: We do a quick analysis and submit a quote for your approval.
Perform deep analysis and loss detection.
Submit Report: We submit our report to you showing exactly each instance of an anomaly with an explanation of why we think the data is defective. For your ease of reference, all records reported on is properly referenced to your source data.